How to train your cat to pee in your toilet

Toilet Training Your Cat: A Comprehensive Guide


Cats are smart, agile, and independent creatures. They're able to pick up new skills and habits with a bit of patience and dedication from their human companions. A particularly intriguing skill that you may consider teaching your cat is using the human toilet instead of the traditional litter box. Yes, it sounds unusual, but with the right tools and techniques, it is entirely feasible.


Why Train Your Cat to Use the Toilet?


There are several reasons to consider toilet training your cat:


1. Cost: You'll save on the expense of buying cat litter, which can add up over time.

2. Cleanliness: It eliminates the unsavory chore of daily litter box cleaning and reduces odors in your home.

3. Environmental friendliness: A toilet-trained cat reduces the waste produced by discarded litter.


However, it's important to note that toilet training is not for every cat. Older cats, cats with mobility issues, or cats who are simply resistant to change might find this transition challenging. The process requires patience and consistency from you and your cat. If your cat is comfortable with the idea, then read on!


Tools for Toilet Training Your Cat


The main tool you'll need to toilet train your cat is a specially designed cat toilet training kit, like the "Litter Kwitter" or "CitiKitty". These kits consist of multiple rings that fit on your toilet seat, starting with a solid ring and progressively moving to rings with larger and larger holes until the cat becomes comfortable with the idea of balancing on the seat and eliminating directly into the toilet.


How to Use the Toilet Training Kit


The process is not instantaneous and may take a few weeks or even months to complete. Here are the basic steps you'll follow:


Step 1: Introduction


Start by placing the training seat on the floor near the current litter box. Fill the training seat with cat-safe litter so your cat can get used to the new apparatus. Allow your cat to use this litter box for at least a week before moving on to the next step.


Step 2: Transition to the Toilet


Move the training seat to the toilet, replacing the current litter box. Use the adapter ring to ensure it fits securely on your toilet. This transition might seem strange to your cat, so it's crucial to be patient. Reward your cat with treats or praise each time they successfully use the training seat on the toilet.


Step 3: Gradual Changes


Once your cat has adjusted to using the training seat on the toilet, you can start using the different rings in the kit. Begin with the smallest hole, gradually increasing the hole's size as your cat becomes more confident.


Each stage may take a week or more, so patience is key. If your cat appears stressed or refuses to use the toilet at any point, go back to the previous step until they are comfortable again.


Step 4: Final Transition


After your cat has successfully used the largest ring for a week or so, you can remove the training kit altogether. Your cat should now be able to use the toilet without any assistance or special equipment.


Important Considerations


Toilet training your cat is an exciting endeavor, but it's not without challenges or potential drawbacks. Here are a few points to consider:


1. Your cat will not be able to bury their waste as they would in a litter box. This is a natural instinct for many cats, so some may resist the training for this reason.


2. If you live in a multi-story home, ensure there are toilets available for your cat on every floor they have access to.


3. Some cats may fall into the toilet accidentally, especially during the learning phase. Always keep the toilet lid up and the seat down to avoid any mistakes.